Who We are

A bit of a tomboy, a definite adrenaline junky, and someone who wants to do anything and everything, I’ve had the ability to live out some of my wildest dreams. I’m a 20 year old college student who recently took a semester off to live out my dreams of traveling the world. Since I was a little girl, traveling has always been my #1 goal in life, so when the opportunity presented itself, there was no way I could turn it down!

I am beyond blessed to have been born into a family that has done nothing but support me in achieving my goals, and I’m even more lucky to have had the opportunity to travel with one of my best friends: my dad. From white water kayaking and skiing to learning how to stand up for myself and be a badass independent woman, my dad has taught me a lot. I was introduced to travel through both my amazing mother and my Czech family, as well as through my dad and his crazy stories from his time abroad. These combined spurred my desire to see the world, and this trip has only sparked a bigger flame for continued adventures and travels, so stay tuned for the next big trip! I am very grateful to be able to work remotely which has allowed me to finance my portion of these travels, as well as have an amazing group of friends and family who are as invested and supportive of this trip as I am. 

Traveling allows you to see life through multiple lenses and is the best learning experience out there. I hope this blog inspires daughters, friends, parents, or anyone out there to take the risk and go see the world! 

Sasha (Daughter)

56 and feeling 40 (maybe not my body but definitely my brain), love life, love my kids, love adventure and love "most" people! I've committed my life to experiential learning with a philosophy of "do it right, do it now and don't worry". From a young age I dreamed of living on other continents, traveling the world, being a father and experiencing as many of the wonderful things this life has to offer - from feelings to experiences to people and places, and not just the good...but all aspects. I'm acutely aware that I've been blessed to have been born in the US to a middle to an upper range middle class family, that allowed me the opportunity to educate myself and thereby have the ability to live all of my dreams and aspirations to the fullest. I live life with the idea that we should never look back and "wish I would have..." (fault, well, early, ever), as life is too short and it's a choice. Thus far...it's working out wonderfully! I'm not rich, I have debt, I have concerns and struggle with the daily grind but we all do - no matter rich, poor, nationality or other - it's just life, and we get to choose how we live it. 

Pre-30, I'd lived a very full adventurous life, and then I had the pleasure of having 2 wonderful girls. I'm a bit of an odd duck, as one of my top three goals (and quite possibly number one), was to be a dad! .. and I wanted to be a full time dad!! Wish granted... albeit not the way I had assumed. I've committed my life to supporting, teaching and developing secure, confident, able, intelligent, socially conscious young ladies that want to make this world a better place! Thus far, that's working out incredibly well! No "helicopter parenting", no "just let them figure it out" BS, just real life, real situation, being present and appropriate information and skill development across the board. Basically helping in developing good people. I've always believed in parent first, friend second... and that probably won't ever change, but the beautiful thing is that they've both become very good friends in their adult lives, and it's fun!! Most recently I've had the blessed opportunity to travel the world with one of them, for the last 7 months and WOW, what an incredible adventure! Here's just a glimpse of the stories, memories and adventures we had. 

I hope it inspires other fathers, daughters, mothers and sons to realize we have one shot with each-other, so commit to making it wonderful!

Eric (Dad)

Our motto: “do it right and do it now.” We’ve lived by that motto our whole lives, and these last 7 months have taken it to an unexpected, but life changing level. Although not a typical duo, this father/daughter global adventure has been educational, life-altering, wonderful, challenging, beautiful, unexplainable at times (...and knocked of a number of bucket list items for both of us along the way). It has continued to grow a wonderful father/daughter bond, and we would strongly recommend it to any father/daughter out there!! It's surprisingly been 97% fun and bonding and 3% well...let's just say - need a break. As well, it's amazing how many woman (old and young) have come up to us from every corner of the world and said "I wish I could do that with my father ", so, do it right and do it now!!

Traveling together

Drive a Formula 1 Car

Fly Air-Combat USA

Air Combat USA

Heli skiing

Live on every continent

Travel to every continent

Trek one of the big 7

Pyramids of Giza 

Wing suiting

fly a fighter jet

Skiing in Japan

CAT skiing


Scuba with Manta's

Surf in Bali 

Surf in Chicama 

Machu Picchu 

Swim with Whale Sharks 

our bucket list

total continents traveled


total cities traveled


total countries traveled


Where we've been

un-developed world

developed world

On our own






Planned far in advance

planned 2 days in advance





tropical beach


This or that

Travel edition