
Home to the tallest mountains in the world, raging white water rivers, tangible spirituality, stunning Buddhist temples, and fantastic single track trails, Nepal was a dream. Until we found ourselves in a Nepalese hospital with a broken rib, but we’ll get to that. We had an entire week full of every activity we could fit in planned: 2 days of mountain biking, white water kayaking, and a 3-day trek. Starting our adventure off with white water kayaking was the perfect way to enter our adventure week, as we paddled through steep rapids and I was finally able to get my roll down. After a quick rest day exploring the temples around Kathmandu, we headed to Nagarkot for some epic downhill riding. Filled with 8 separate natural single track trails it was an adrenaline packed day and definitely challenged my riding. Unfortunately, after 6-months of traveling without injury something was bound to go wrong. On the last trail of the day, a stupid mistake led to a fractured rib, 6 hours in a Nepalese hospital, which was an experience in itself, cancelled flights, and missed adventures.

September 20th - 24th

September 24th - 27th

September 27th - October 2nd

Katmandu, Nepal

Pokara, Nepal

Katmandu, Nepal

Although I’m stuck resting until we leave for Bali, I couldn’t be more grateful for the community in Nepal. Complete strangers have paid for medical bills, brought us lunches and dinners, and offered rides. I’ve never been in such a giving and welcoming community, and Nepal is definitely an area we will be back too!   

The Stories

How We Did It


During our stay, we were able to experience a plethora of activities, food, accommodation, drives, excursions, (some touristy stuff), and met a number of people along the way that helped make our experiences - wonderful.  Here are some guides that give insight into our trip, but also offer some ideas around where to stay, what to do, where to eat and in many cases some contacts to folks we know will enhance your adventure