
After 6 months of travel, 9 countries, a broken rib, and reaching an unfathomable level of travel fatigue, we’d finally made it to paradise… aka Bali. 6 weeks in Bali wasn’t nearly enough time, as it quickly became our second home and a place we knew we weren’t going to want to leave. Filled with everything from crystal clear blue waters, white sand beaches, insane cliff side villas and restaurants, trendy cafes, volcanoes, lush green mountains, and a beautiful Hindu and Budhist culture, Bali was everything and more than we expected. It didn’t take long to settle back into island life and soon enough we ditched our shoes and most items of clothing, and found ourselves in swimsuits, sunnies, and bare feet day in and day out. 

October 24th

Uluwatu, Bali

4 lanes of traffic squeezed into one normal sized lane, scooters, cars, and pedestrians surrounding you, and the desire to actually have eyes in the back of your head, let’s just say driving in Bali is absolutely crazy… which we absolutely loved. Each morning we would leave our villa to go explore, we knew there was a high probability we wouldn’t make it back, yet the adrenaline and unknown made it all that more exciting. 

December 16th

Uluwatu, Bali

The Stories

How We Did It


During our stay, we were able to experience a plethora of activities, food, accommodation, drives, excursions, (some touristy stuff), and met a number of people along the way that helped make our experiences - wonderful.  Here are some guides that give insight into our trip, but also offer some ideas around where to stay, what to do, where to eat and in many cases some contacts to folks we know will enhance your adventure