
Although it was entirely unexpected, not how we typically like to travel, and full of sadly quite a few disappointments, the few highlights made this country worth it. And, if done if the right way would have been an unbelievable experience. For this week we were recommended a driver who was supposedly ex-secret service of the King of Jordan and would plan the whole week for us. Now being the optimistic thinkers we were we figured this was going to be an off-the-beaten way to see Jordan and be as engrossed in the culture as possible. However, we were sadly mistaken as every site we saw and hotel we had booked for us was tourist trap hell. Filled to the brim with tourists from France, England, Italy, Germany, and pretty much every other culture except the one we were trying to explore, it didn’t take long for us to want to get out. We actually ended up cutting our trip 3 days short because of this, and if we could go back would have done it entirely different. 

That being said both Wadi Rum and Petra were absolutely unbelievable and being able to marvel at another world wonder and explore the vast Arabian desert was insane. If you were planning a trip to Jordan I would say you would need a maximum amount of 6 days here and if you are adventure travellers who like to skip the crowds then definitely rent a car and drive on your own! 

October 3rd - 5th

October 5th

Amman, Jordan

Dead Sea 

Wadi Rum

October 6th - 7th


October 7th - 8th

The Stories

How We Did It

TBD: How we did the Dead Sea 

During our stay, we were able to experience a plethora of activities, food, accommodation, drives, excursions, (some touristy stuff), and met a number of people along the way that helped make our experiences - wonderful.  Here are some guides that give insight into our trip, but also offer some ideas around where to stay, what to do, where to eat and in many cases some contacts to folks we know will enhance your adventure