
From partying till sunrise on 40 hours without sleep, carrying hundreds of thousands of Argentine pesos, unmatched sunsets, and planning an entire trip of mountain biking & hiking only to find out it’s still ski season upon arrival, to bottles upon bottles of the best Malbec you’ve ever tasted and crazy amounts of tender and mouth-watering meat, Argentina was a place to be rivaled with. By the end of the 2-weeks we’d explored the stunning city of Buenos Aires, the ragged Patagonian peaks and swiss influenced town of Bariloche, the mouth-watering wine country of Mendoza, and drunken and eaten our body weights in wine and meat. Although we weren’t as active as we would’ve liked while here, we both decided we wouldn’t have done this trip another way and we’d come up with plenty of future Argentine bucket list activities. 

We spent 3 incredible weeks in Argentina drinking, eating, exploring, drinking and eating and drinking and eating...you get it!  The food, the Malbec's the landscapes, the - everything was as amazing as you might imagine it to be!

August 26th- 30th

August 30th

August 30th - September 5th

Buenos Aires 

Fly from BA to Bariloche 



Fly from Mendoza to New York 

September 5th

Fly from Bariloche to Mendoza 

September 5th - 9th

September 9th - 10th

New York to Portugal 

September 11th

The Stories

TBD: Being Sick in Bariloche

TBD: Wine Tasting Mendoza

TBD:  The 7 Lakes Drive 

TBD: Clubbing in Buenos Aries

How We Did It

During our stay, we were able to experience a plethora of activities, food, accommodation, drives, excursions, (some touristy stuff), and met a number of people along the way that helped make our experiences - wonderful.  Here are some guides that give insight into our trip, but also offer some ideas around where to stay, what to do, where to eat and in many cases some contacts to folks we know will enhance your adventure